
Bingocise: The best of both worlds

It is estimated that over 60 million people enjoy playing the popular social game of Bingo in the United States. Often referred to as a social game for seniors at retirement communities, assisted livings, nursing homes and senior centers, the game has drawn wide popularity for many years. Some of my earliest memories in visiting nursing homes as a child centered around the activity department bingo game and handing out sweet treats as prizes. It was our most popular event!

While Bingo enjoys widespread popularity, it is estimated that over 13 million seniors age 65 and older fall every year resulting in over 50 billion in health care costs. The numbers and tragedy of falls among seniors is staggering. Enter Bingocise. Founded by Western Kentucky University Associate Professor, Dr. Jason Crandall, Bingocise is “a socially engaging group-based program that combines exercise, health education, and the widely popular game of bingo.”

Groups of participants typically play Bingocize® twice per week, with each 45-60 minute session consisting of exercises (range of motion, balance, muscle strengthening, and endurance exercises) and/or health education questions. The goal of Bingocise is to both excercise and inform, while providing an enjoyable environment for socialization.

The program combines a bingo-like game with physical activity and/or health education (falls prevention and nutrition). Trained lay leaders may select between separate units that focus on exercise-only, exercise and falls prevention, or exercise and nutrition. Each unit includes a leader’s script for each session, participants’ materials, and “take home” cards for participants to complete exercises and tasks at home to reinforce the weekly health education information. The program can be delivered both using a printed version or mobile app.

For more information about Bingocise, please visit: https://www.wku.edu/bingocize/

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